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Brody Rossiter, October 15, 2020

Andy Lawrence & Seldom Often

Filed under: Brewing Folk / News
Andy Lawrence & Seldom Often

As we plough headlong into the winter season it feels appropriate to release a big Russian imperial stout! And what better way than to showcase the photography and cinematography skills of Andy Lawrence than as part of our Cornish Creatives series with 6 alternate labels that capture the mesmerising and partially unexplained phenomenon of starling murmurations. We've combined dark and uncompromising beer with Andy's startling starling imagery to create Seldom Often, an 8.5% departure from our signature hop-forward offerings. 

Based in the far west of Cornwall, Andy produces some amazing visual work for the likes of Nike, Adidas and M&S to name but a few. He sent us some of his personal work focusing on the murmurations of starlings and we fell in love instantly.

The labels come in a series of 6 images, with one of those being of a starling that Andy found injured and then passed away. He had a taxidermist set him in flight and he lives in their apartment. The picture is a "portrait" he shot during lockdown.

As always with our Cornish Creatives collaborators, we put ten questions to Andy and below are his responses:

Explain what you do in one short sentence. 

I'm a photographer and visual artist who uses a camera to explore, experience and interpret this world and this life.

Did you study your trade and if so where?

I did a (frankly terrible) unit of photography and film studies during the course of my arts degree at Curtin University (Western Australia) but for the most part I'm self taught.

How did you get into your groove?

I think I really fell into my groove when I started travelling. I found out more about myself and started to make decisions which reflected my true visions and aspirations for life and what I wanted to shoot.

How long have you been creating?

It's been about 25 years.

If you weren't creating what would you be doing?

Helping others to create.

What’s beyond your wildest dreams?

To fly and, more specifically, to experience flight as a single bird within a starling murmuration. I'm still not convinced what the afterlife holds, but coming back as a bird would be pretty ace.

Who do you take the most inspiration from and why?

Family and friends, always. They are a huge part of who I am, have been, and will be. Murray Fredericks for his total commitment to an artistic vision. This could be a really long list...

Why did you create/choose this piece for the can art?

I wanted to share a variety of images from the Murmurations series to show and celebrate the wonder of starling murmurations. From the detail of a single bird, to the hive minded giant shapes they create. Philosophically, in an increasingly fractured world where self-interest, self-care and selfies dominate, it is perhaps a poignant reminder of what can be achieved when many come together as one.

What does Cornwall mean to you?

A wild, wonderful life at the land's end.

What’s your best piece of work and how did it come about?

It would have to be the projected video installation entitled 'Murmuration 1' and displayed as part of the Murmurations exhibition at PZ Gallery last year. It's a 15 minute video of a starling murmuration at Poldhu Cove on The Lizard. I worked on the sound design with talented friend Mickey Smith and it's (so far) the closest I've come to recreating that live experience.

It really came about through obsessively chasing the "murms", day in, day out, through the autumn that year. So much of their movement is unpredictable and unexplained, which makes it all the more special when you're in the right place at the right time. You might say it's seldom often.

Andy Lawrence | Website | Instagram |

Seldom Often is available to purchase from the Verdant webshop now. Part proceeds from this beer will be donated to the RSPB. 

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